Learn Math Without Memorization

Individually Customized Study Plan

National Curriculum

We also offer Singapore Math Curriculum


[In-Person Classes Offered in Chicago Suburbs: Cook, DuPage, Lake, Kane County(s)]

At Alpha Math Learning, Licensed Educator Mr. Patel gives precise instruction to the students so they understand the outcomes of the problems provided. He has students demonstrate what have been taught as we go through each problem and concept respectively. He lets the students solve individual problems independently offering guidance as needed. Thus he gets to unlock the potential in each student in order so they can learn the study material effectively.

Coupon for Local Math Tutor SAT ACTMr. Patel is passionate about sharing his background as a leading classroom Math teacher, trainer, mentor for over ten years. He has been teaching Math full time since February 2009 at all the school levels to college level Math involving Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus and Standardize Math Test programs such as ACT/SAT/PSAT-Math, AP Calculus etc; at two learning centers and later as an Independent Educator full time in Chicago suburbs to a very diverse group of students. Mr. Patel has founded Alpha Math Learning in August 2013.

Mr. Patel has graduated in the fields of Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics successfully and he is State Licensed Educator.

Also, Mr. Patel has won awards in teaching and Mathematics League Competition.

With his proven techniques, successful results have been produced in standardized tests and other Math subject areas. Please check out the reviews in your desired subject area(s).

Alpha Math Learning registered in the State of Illinois, strives to help students that have difficulties with Math as well as help students that are ready to exceed expectations at their level.


We specialize in:

→Math Enrichment Program:

   National Curriculum (Exceeds IL State Standards)

   We also offer transition from National to Singapore Math Curriculum


   Algebra-1; Algebra-2

  Standardized Tests:

-PSAT Tests Series: PSAT 8/9; PSAT-10 & PSAT/NMSQT Prep

-SAT Test Prep

-ACT Test Prep

-Pre-ACT 8/9; Pre-ACT 10 Test Prep 



 Pre-ACT 8/9 Test: Placement Test for 8th Grader for Placement into High School Math Courses for Grades 9-12.

 →Pre-ACT 10: For 10th Grade State Assessment.

 →PSAT/NMSQT Test: Scholarships & Recognition for College Admission. Higher Score on this test can help Connect with Colleges' Student Search Service with College Board. 


ACT/SAT Test Scores Benefits↓: 

Gives Competitive Edge for College Admissions and helps you stand out of the crowd.

 Moreover, for Direct Admissions in Medicine[BS/MD, BS/PA, BS/DO]; Dental (BS/DDS); Engineering; Computer Science, Business as well as for EA(Early Admissions) & ED (Early Decisions), etc.

Scholarships/Grants; (Also Automatic Scholarships as well) which definitely helps lower student debt from College Costs.

→Help offset against lower High School GPA.  

Exemptions From College/University Placement Test.

 Last But Not the Least:

Can help enhance a Sparse Resume similar to offsetting a lower GPA, higher ACT/SAT Test Score can also help make a thin Resume stand out. Especially fresh College Graduate does Not have much work experience to highlight to potential employers. And such academic achievement can help demonstrate that prospective new College Graduate has a strong work ethic and such dedication to success translates easily from the classroom to the workplace.



Read Our Blog:

  • Student Testimonial: ACT-Math Tutor in Barrington for High School Student
    Written by

    Barrington Student Doing ACT Math Tutoring

    “Before I started sessions with Mr. Patel, I did not expect much of myself. My ACT-Math score was at 20, and I was struggling to find a way to truly improve. When we started, we began to work rigorously on areas of Math that I struggled with. Rather than conforming to one base curriculum, Mr. Patel personalized my lessons to focus on areas that I specifically struggled with. For example, I constantly struggled with Plane Geometry and Trigonometry. Thanks to his teaching, I correctly answered every Geometry and Trig question on the April ACT. After two months of sessions, I took the December ACT and received a 27, improving 7 points from my original score. We continued rigorous lessons until February when we began to take practice tests. The diversity of tests that Mr. Patel offered were extremely helpful in showing me everything the live ACT would throw at me. In the end, Mr. Patel’s teaching gave me the skills and confidence I needed to take the test. I received a 33 on the Math section, a whole 13 points up from my original score and a 30 on the whole test. Because of Mr. Patel, I went from being below the National Average to being in the 98th Percentile in the entire United States. My time with Mr. Patel proved that hard work really does pay off, and determination goes a very long way. I can’t thank him enough for my success.”

    -Mrs. Annette G. (Mother of Sean H.)
    Subject(s): ACT-Math
    School: Barrington High School, Barrington, IL

    Written on Sunday, 01 May 2016 20:51 in Reviews
    Tags: Testimonials
    Read 12670 times
  • Student Testimonial: ACT-Math Glenbrook North High School
    Written by

    “It gives me great pleasure to mention that Mr. Patel tutored my son, struggling with Math and had relatively low scores and after two months of intesive instruction he improved his ACT-Math score to 31. We were very delighted with the result and recommend Mr. Patel as a teacher. He was always considerate, punctual and had good rapport with my son.”  

    – Dr. Fatima M. ( Mother of Ayub M.)    

    Subject(s): ACT-Math    

    School: Glenbrook North High School, Northbrook, IL

    Written on Sunday, 01 May 2016 21:57 in Reviews
    Tags: Testimonials
    Read 12335 times