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I was especially inclined to Math and Engineering at a young age always getting high marks in Math. For the Math Subject Test of the High School State Board Exam I scored 98/100 so I decided to get my first college degree in Engineering. While in college I was a recipient of the Honorable Mention Award from the American Mathematical Association, and that reinforced my direction into a pure Math major. My success in Math and social involvement in college prepared me for tutoring in Math. I started out Math tutoring at University of Illinois Math Learning Center and that gave me the confidence to tutor professionally. My skills were tested on a grade school student and many years later that same student randomly bumped into me and asked for private tutoring because he felt that my tutoring methods were most successful for him. Since then in 2009, I started offering more private Math tutoring sessions and I have received many thank you letters from parents, whose kids I have tutored and such feedback give me the reassurance that I am doing good things for my students.